Why You Should Diversify Into Alternative Investments

This article was edited to meet broker-dealer compliance guidelines in April of 2023. When the topic of investing comes up, most people think about stocks and bonds. This is because these are the most common investments that people make and are familiar with. However, there are actually countless different assets that you could potentially put your money to work with. In the past, investment selection was more limited based on accessibility. You typically had to be involved in a hedge fund in order to have exposure to alternative investments. Most hedge funds require a minimum investment of $1,000,000. As a result, most people just settled for stocks and bonds. Today, thanks to technology and innovation, numerous platforms allow you to invest in less common assets with ease. This realm of investing is often referred to as “alternative investments.” I will be explaining what exactly these alternative investments are and why you may want to consider adding them to your investment portfolio. Contents

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